Animation Karaoke Battle / Fest Anča

Animation Karaoke Battle has had three successful years in Žilina. The contest is open to all who are daring enough to try to dub a randomly chosen section of an animated film. The jury is also chosen at random from the audience. The winner is the most inventive, captivating and funniest live dubbing to the film’s chosen sequence. 

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Animation Karaoke Battle


Animation Karaoke Battla / Fest Anča

Animation Karaoke Battla / Fest Anča

The basic idea behind the contest is to produce a creative voiceover to a randomly chosen animated film. It is a chance for poets, musicians, DJs, performance artists, audio technicians, sound effects artists, singers, rappers and other creative individuals. For us, it is a way of opening up animated films to new audiences and to a broader range of people. 

The contest is open to all, but the number of participants is limited. The winner is anointed by a randomly chosen jury of spectators. 

The best battler receives a financial reward of 100 euros.