Program - Student Films B

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Student Films B

S p a c e s

Nora Štrbová | Czech Republic | 2019 | 8 min

This experimental anidoc toys with multiple animation techniques and styles. The author depicts memories of her brother, who suffered from a serious condition causing short-term memory loss. The director visualised his distorted perception of time and space in a remarkable way.

S p a c e s

We 7/10/2020
free seats: 190
Cinema City - Hall 5

Th 8/10/2020
free seats: 205
Cinema City - Hall 5

Fr 9/10/2020
free seats: 357
Grandhotel Zlatý Lev

Fr 9/10/2020
free seats: 334
Grandhotel Zlatý Lev

Su 11/10/2020
free seats: 221
Cinema City - Hall 5


Matisse Gonzalez | Germany | 2019 | 11 min

In a world where gravity changes constantly, you have to find something to keep you grounded. This artistically original film by a Bolivian author takes us to a disturbing world where we observe the fight of its inhabitants for self-fulfilment and satisfaction.


Th 8/10/2020
free seats: 205
Cinema City - Hall 5

Fr 9/10/2020
free seats: 357
Grandhotel Zlatý Lev

Su 11/10/2020
free seats: 221
Cinema City - Hall 5

The Woman Who Turned Into a Castle

Kathrin Steinbacher | United Kingdom, Austria | 2019 | 4 min

The Austrian filmmaker based this captivating anidoc vividly portraying the fate of an ill woman on a case study by the famous neuropsychologist Oliver Sacks, author of the book The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat. The director used the original audio recording of the patient and emphasised the strength of her unfortunate story.

The Woman Who Turned Into a Castle

Th 8/10/2020
free seats: 205
Cinema City - Hall 5

Fr 9/10/2020
free seats: 357
Grandhotel Zlatý Lev

Su 11/10/2020
free seats: 221
Cinema City - Hall 5

Ben and Kat or Kat and Ben Go to Little Lake Fountain

Elizabeth Whitfield, Nicholas Dimas | United States | 2019 | 9 min

Ben and Kat are becoming adults, so according to their village tradition it’s time to go see Lake Fountain. This film was originally made as a sci-fi adventure but eventually found itself in disrupting the established genre rules. It also happily disrupts the viewers’ expectations beginning with the character stylisation and ending with dialogue and the storytelling form.

Ben and Kat or Kat and Ben Go to Little Lake Fountain

Th 8/10/2020
free seats: 205
Cinema City - Hall 5

Fr 9/10/2020
free seats: 357
Grandhotel Zlatý Lev

Su 11/10/2020
free seats: 221
Cinema City - Hall 5

Men in a Hurry

Thibault Llonch | France | 2019 | 5 min

For his graduate film, Thibault Llonch chose an unusual setting (gentlemen’s toilets) and a not particularly common genre (musical). This unexpected place hosts a magnificent musical performance with a dynamic choreography.

Men in a Hurry

Th 8/10/2020
free seats: 205
Cinema City - Hall 5

Fr 9/10/2020
free seats: 357
Grandhotel Zlatý Lev

Su 11/10/2020
free seats: 221
Cinema City - Hall 5

There Were Four of Us

Cassie Shao | United States, China | 2019 | 7 min

A dream journey that travels through a room where four characters are trapped, through moments in their lives and through the symbol of death that connected them together. The film’s author used various animation techniques (from CGI to sand animation) and left this peculiar experiment open to many interpretations.

There Were Four of Us

Th 8/10/2020
free seats: 205
Cinema City - Hall 5

Fr 9/10/2020
free seats: 357
Grandhotel Zlatý Lev

Su 11/10/2020
free seats: 221
Cinema City - Hall 5

Inside the Pipelines

אדוה סנטו | Israel | 2019 | 6 min

The Israeli author based this refreshing visual pun on footage from the Tel Aviv Central Bus Station that she enhanced and “embellished” with animation. In her film, the hectic multicultural space of the gargantuan bus station brightens up with colours and evokes many associations. The film deals with loneliness, fear, identity, strangeness and affection.

Inside the Pipelines

Th 8/10/2020
free seats: 205
Cinema City - Hall 5

Fr 9/10/2020
free seats: 357
Grandhotel Zlatý Lev

Su 11/10/2020
free seats: 221
Cinema City - Hall 5

In Her Boots

Kathrin Steinbacher | United Kingdom, Austria | 2019 | 7 min

Hedi is experiencing strange things. While her granddaughter is visiting, she suddenly embarks on a hiking journey, to the deepest parts of the Alps, revealing the reason for her devoted attachment to her hiking shoes. The author managed to portray this tragicomic story from her life with humour and detachment without belittling it.

In Her Boots

Th 8/10/2020
free seats: 205
Cinema City - Hall 5

Fr 9/10/2020
free seats: 357
Grandhotel Zlatý Lev

Su 11/10/2020
free seats: 221
Cinema City - Hall 5

Sh_t Happens

Dávid Štumpf, Michaela Mihalyiová | Czech Republic, Slovakia, France | 2019 | 14 min

A string of unexpected, comic and even absurd scenes from the life of a property caretaker in which the main roles are played by his frustrated wife and a depressed deer. The events take such a turn that it is soon clear that the film’s main protagonist cannot expect a happy end. The film has a simple but very original artistic style.

Sh_t Happens

Th 8/10/2020
free seats: 204
Cinema City - Hall 5

Th 8/10/2020
free seats: 205
Cinema City - Hall 5

Fr 9/10/2020
free seats: 357
Grandhotel Zlatý Lev

Sa 10/10/2020
free seats: 359
Grandhotel Zlatý Lev

Su 11/10/2020
free seats: 221
Cinema City - Hall 5