In addition to films, Anifilm also offers a Gaming Programme! What is in store for you? As usual, you will have a chance to play the competition games and visit fascinating lectures by renowned game developers. This year, we’re introducing new competition sections for student games. You can also develop your own game in a 60-minute-long game workshop. The gaming programme will take place in the Chateau as well as other selected festival venues.
Find out what this year’s programme offers
International Competition of Computer Games
Anifilm’s International Competition of Computer Games will traditionally include professional games. Come check out the most interesting titles celebrating experimental game developers and artistically remarkable games. The games will compete for two awards: Best Visual Art and Best Game for Children. During the festival, you can try the competition games for yourselves in the festival’s Game Zone.
Registration for the competition is now closed.

Competition of Student Games
This year, for the first time in the history of the festival, Anifilm will host a Competition of Student Games. For a long time, student games have been an important part of the festival, but they didn’t have their own competition category.
First, or rather the zero edition of the competition is not open internationally and accepts submissions only from students from the Czech Republic, Germany and Poland (the tri-state area around Liberec) and Slovakia.
If you have a game that has been created this year as a school project in one of the mentioned countries, you can apply HERE. This new category has an extended submission deadline until 7 February 2025.

Game Pitch Arena
Together with Anifilm, Cyber Sail will be holding the second edition of a computer game pitching session named Game Pitch Arena.
It offers a unique opportunity to game developers from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and other countries. Studios will have a chance to win financial support which will undoubtedly help independent game development. The PPF Foundation, the main partner of Anifilm, will provide a financial gift in the amount of EUR 10,000.
The submission deadline for your gaming projects is 20 February 2025. The pitching will be in English.

The third edition of pLevel will once again bring an atmosphere of unbridled joy and exuberance and present games, skeletons from the closet and school projects never intended for the public – in a public session!
What can you expect?
You can look forward to a half-marathon of five-minute previews of the utmost bizarre projects. A volunteer from the audience will test them while the game authors will muck about, give hints and comments, laugh or shed tears. All with a beer in their hands! Surely you realize that this humorous and informal programme will likely become a stuff of legends! Don’t miss out on Anifilm’s new pièce de résistance.

Programme for Students
This year, our programme for students of game development and animation introduces a new competition category. We also plan to hold lectures aimed at young authors, school presentations, informal meetings and networking events. You will also have a chance to play student games in our Game Zone.

Programme for Professionals
Gaming industry professionals will appreciate our programme full of lectures, previews and networking. We will meet in the Chateau, at the Zlatý Lev hotel and the Liebieg Palace.
Our popular events such as Animarket, Game Pitch Arena and Indie Menu are traditionally part of the programme. Our industry programme will bringnews and introduce the latest trends in the game industry.

Game Zone
Our Game Zone, the heart of the gaming section of our festival is located on the first floor of the left wing of the Chateau. You can use it to play competition games and try many interactive installations. This year, it will also host the Competition of Student Games, lectures and popular gaming sessions with authors.
Programme for Children
Children, as well as adults, will have a chance to make their own games! In 60 minutes, the GameCraft workshop will teach them how to use simple tools for game development. All you need to do is reserve a place and we will show young game developers how it’s done.
You will also find out where to study game development and what subjects it comprises.